

This model was designed by peedeejay


This stunning modular cathedral build spans 3 baseplates with 10 modules that can be separated for easy transportation. With 14417 parts, it's an impressive display piece, featuring a main entrance, trees, a bus stop, ventilation units, photovoltaics, and a clock on the roof. The ground floor boasts a spacious entrance hall with washrooms, a standard classroom, and a music room with instruments. The middle floor includes a cafeteria, an IT-classroom, and a science classroom with ongoing chemistry experiments. The top floor features a library. While challenging to build, the end result is worth it.


All parts are quality checked before shipping, so if you find any parts missing or damaged, don't worry. Please contact us and we will send them to you immediately free of charge.

The package will be shipped within 24~48 hours if it's in stock, thanks for your support.

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MOC-49130 Modular Schoolbuilding blocks kit with compatible bricks

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